
Xaviers Pants Free Day in the Park

Even at the tender age of three Xavier had always been more adapt and precocious then other three year olds. He spoke in full sentences and unlike his classmates never ate paste.
And at this moment Xavier was fully aware that his pants were gone, off in the clutches of some older boy who thought it was funny that Xavier had no pants. He realized he was without any underwear and that everyone thought it was cute that he was naked in the sprinklers.
“Mooooom!”, he shrieked running towards the nearest tree for cover. He looked around, his face red and finally found her chatting with an older women wearing a strange rabbit fur coat. He ran over to her and quickly grabbed his jacket out of her hand.
“What’s wrong Xav-”, his mom started to say but couldn’t finish because she was laughing so hard.
“ITS NOT FUNNY !”, he screamed and started west, or was it east? towards home.
Xavier never really got over that humiliation, and stayed away from parks even when he was wearing underwear.

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