As a strange aside, both this and the previous Lucifer installment (Game Face.) had achieved ficlet nirvana (exactly 1,024 letters long). I don’t know why this was important to do, but I felt it was.
I got a note asking what the seraphim, mentioned herein, are: they are the highest order of angelic beings. The angelic heirarchy, in order of “closeness to God,” is something like: seraphim, cherubim, wheels, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, archangels and angels.
Metatron, the voice of God, who was previously mentioned, was also a seraphim (well, depending on your source).
And for those that care, Lucifer is supposed to have twelve wings, but I made him appear like a normal seraph.
I knew that Lucifer had been a seraphim, but I’ve never heard him described this way. ~ “We are Lucifer, the bringer of light and the star of the morning, the first of the fallen, most beloved of the seraphim.â? He’s got an ego problem, though, doesn’t he?
Hey, Alexa. The description I used is what a seraphim is supposed to appear as; Lucifer, traditionally, was a seraphim with twelve wings (two sets everywhere described), thus showing his closeness to God (he was the closest of all the angelic heirarchy).
As for the long name thing, he uses full and proper titles for everything. I mean, he keeps calling Blake “Robert Anthony Blake.”
Alexa ♥