I’m deeply sorry to any religious folks that might take offense by this direction, but bear in mind that this is merely a piece of fiction. I certainly do not condone Satan or the worship of him.
And, of course, another ficlet nirvana piece. Lucifer pieces need to reach ficlet nirvana, for some reason — or, at least, they do in my mind.
That’s going to be all from me for a bit, so I hope Howie and Tarzan have fun.
“We are merely despondent over being constantly cast the villain.â? Interesting viewpoint. ~ I’m deeply sorry to any religious folks that might take offense by this direction, —Actually, I’m not offended; I’m impressed. I’m not sure what that says about me.
Thanks for the encouragement, Alexa. I’ve always had bad experiences with religious folk not liking my fictional “twists” in their belief system (which I understand the reasoning behind). But I just don’t think Lucifer can be two dimensional. Heck, I’m not sure three-dimensional is a limitation you can impose on him, either.
I’m religious, and your last line made me laugh, and I was more offended by the His Dark Materials (Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, etc.) series than these twists and turns. Though I have changed since I read that…
Howie Amourscow
Alexa ♥
Fyora Cartagan