
The Marked 52

“Vincent what the hell is going on!” Test screamed holding her shoulder.

“It was you…wasn’t it?” Michelle asked staring at Vincent

“Smart girl..I like you.” Vincent smirked

“Should have told me you were a dog, I would have got you a bone.” Test said staring at Vincent

“You always did like them feisty, it’s that right brother.” Kane smiled

“Brother..?” Michelle asked confused

“Your… brothers?” Test asked disgusted

“Yes, this is my younger brother.” Vincent said

“So all this was your idea?” Test asked

Yes, it was, you see my brother and I travel the world together, but at times we grow weary of each other and seek the company of a female. While I myself prefer beautiful young ladies like brother prefers them much younger, I never understood what he saw in those..cubs but finally I persuaded him to try older girls, they taste so much sweeter.

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