
The Marked 55

“What…nn..” Test cried

Vincent grabbed her shoulders hard turning her around facing Michelle.

“Take the knife..and cut out her heart now.” Vincent ordered

Slowly struggling against her own body Test walked toward Michelle holding the dagger in her hand. Michelle stepped back, Kane smiled walking behind her pushing her forward.

“Test…please..please don’t.”Michelle sobbed

“Michelle I’m sorry I can’t stop myself.” Test cried

Michelle dropped to the floor frozen, eyes widen heart racing. Vincent watched as Test closed in on her rasing the dagger into the air.

“Michelle…I’m sorry.” Test said aiming the dagger at her chest.

“Test…please, I don’t wanna die.” Michelle pleaded

“Stop.” Vincent said walking up behind Test.

“Now do you see, I own you..” Vincent said holding her shoulders.

She didn’t reply, only stared at Michelle through tear-filled eyes. Michelle sat on the floor shaking as she watch the display in front of her.

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