The Pink Lady
A certain Pink Lady had other plans.
It seems she was not at all satisfied with having no choice in her future, and was determined to do something about it.
She couldn’t act now, or he would suspect something. She would wait until the opportune moment and strike.
It turned out that Magnus preferred to eat his apples slowly, cutting the fruit into equal segments, and this fine specimen would be no different.
At home, he positioned Mrs. Pink carefully in the centre of his chopping board.
He presented a sharp knife. Pink Lady knew that her time was short, however, she had no idea how she could escape this desperate situation.
The blade sank effortlessly into her beautiful flesh, her juices spilling from the wound.
In desperation, she put forth more effort than any apple in recorded history and fired a single pip towards Magnus. The pip flew directly into Magnus’ eye, sending him reeling in shock.
As he stumbled, he lost his balance and fell directly onto his knife blade.