
Space Cash {Challenge: mundane object}

I heard a snap and then I felt my ears pop. I was told that these two things happening together were the two worst possible things to happen in the middle of deep space.
It was a meteorite, and it left a hole in the viewport the size of a dime. It was enough to cause my death.
I searched all over for something to patch it with, but it looked like I was going to die. That’s when I saw the quarter. Usually people didn’t bring cash into space, but the captain always kept a quarter in every cabin, just in case.
I realized that this is a time for the quarter to be of use. Just as I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, I threw the quarter at the hole and covered it just in time for the life support system to start replacing air.
As I passed out, I made a mental note to tank the captain for his forsightedness.

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