Little Red Simon
“What big eyes you have,â? Simon said.
“The better to look at you, my boy,â? the wolf said, falling into character.
“What big teeth you have,â? Simon said.
“The better to eat you with, my boy,â? Alec smiled, showing the teeth to full effect, and stepped forward on his padded feet.
“What is that, the door from a Chevy S-10?â? Simon said.
Alec paused. “What?â? he said, blankly. Then something slammed into him, hard, knocking him legs over tail through the air.
“Where’d you get that?â? Simon asked.
Blake grunted and dropped the heavy piece of steel. “Must have been blown off a truck in the storm. It was lying in a gutter over there. That dog giving you trouble?â?
“We were just chatting. Hey! You don’t need that miniature Five Sword Banishing Pentacle back, do you?â?
Blake’s eyes narrowed. “Why? Do you have any idea what I had to do to get it?â?
“It’s kind of been banished.â?
Blake looked around. “Then you got rid of… rid of…â? He furrowed his brow. “You got rid of what’s-her-name.â?