
His Eternity

Flames fill the cavern with ungodly heat.
I feel the forlorn eyes looking upon me from the deep dark recesses of the rock walls.
I must free myself but how, my wings they’re pinned,
my hands bound by chains.
I’m weak my powers fade, slipping away.
Then he walked victoriously into my sight.

What is this?
“I demand you release me” !

Mariah, I regret that you’re part of the agreement.
To bad I really liked you he said grasping my face.

Agreement, “Zachary what have you done”,
freeing my face from his hand?
What pact have you made with this devil?

To once more be mortal, “mortal with everything I desire” .
I just needed a gift to give.
Something in return, he wanted you Mariah !
You will be sacrificed for his pleasure.

NO, Zachary free me, come back with me it’s not to late.

Why, to spend enernity collecting lost souls and
casting demons back to hell?
Like you!

Look around you Zachary; “this will be your eternity”,
is this what you want?

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