Frozen Fate
I stumbled through the compartment in the car to find a flashlight. I zipped on my jacket and opened the door. The blizzard covered the road so much it looked like I’d never get out. I went to the car hood and opened it. I could barley see even with a flashlight. I fumbled through the engine pretending I knew what I was doing. Sometimes its fun to impress no one. I realized I couldn’t fix it, so I got back into the car. I thought that the cabin was only about a mile away so I decided to walk.
I hoped my friends waiting in the cabin would begin to look for me. After about 10 minuets of the -1 degrees weather, I could feel my face go numb. After what felt like 8 hours, I gotten my self no where. I looked off the high mountain and into the pine forest below. Soon I made a dumb mistake and got off the road, so I walked through the pine forest.
To be continued