
The Big Kiss

The scene of the movie that I was earning for was coming up. Every male in the theater were waiting to kiss the girl as the male on screen did.I was excited,cause my kiss was coming up. As the movie slowly becomes in slow motion, I popped a piece of strawberry candy in my mouth to get that butter popcorn taste out of my mouth.
“Its coming, He’s going to kiss me.” Is what every girl thought in that audience,including me. I’ve been waiting for this kiss for the entire week, I told all my friends to leave me alone today & that I would tell them about it later.
The woman (in the movie) walked over to the balcony,& said “I dont know if I could do this alone he followed her & said, you got me babe & his smooth lips kissed her lips.
And then I looked down to see all the guys kiss their girlfriends and then I looked in his eyes, and he put his right hand on my face and then my ringtone played. EXTRA Loud, destroying the most beautiful moment in the movie.
I snapped my head downward, making him kiss my ear.

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