
The Deep, Dark Fears of someday_93

Okay, I will go with the trend and list my fears for all to see. Hmm…although I don’t know if it’s the greatest idea…

1. Balls. I have a great fear of balls. When they come at me, I scream, and duck. This does not work well in gym-class type situations.

2. Loud noises. I hate loud noises. They generally make me cover my ears and run.

3. People. Okay, I know this sounds stupid. But I am. People tend to hurt you, lie to you, and go back on promises. People can do things to you that wreck your entire life. There are very few people I am not afraid of, at least a bit.

4. Talking. I think this one is fairly common. I hate having to give speeches, or engage in any activity that means people are looking at me. Social phobia, I believe it’s called.

So those are my fears. Please, please don’t laugh at me…please?

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