
A glimmer of hope?

Maybe I can use this, ‘I’ thought. Maybe I can use Asami’s emotions against her. Make her hate her sister and play the victim. I was seduced at my weakest point. She can by the house one day, seen I was depressed, work, missing you, blah blah. Yeah it’ll work, just gotta get the kinks out. “Where’s our room?”, I asked. “Upstairs, turn left, straight down the hall. Don’t lose your way Marc”, she said shrewdly. “It’s the only unoccupied room, if you check.” I take the bags up the stairs and then it hits me, “Nya lives on the West Coast, Asami obviously feels very close to her mother. Maybe there’s a way to run away from these problems. Yes! Why fight when I could leave them behind. Nya is trying really hard to take her office, she won’t leave it to get me. Just gotta garner interest in myself, maintain the buzz and then I could do it, marry Asami and keep my nose clean. I walk into the room, put the luggage next to the beds, and go back downstairs. “Let’s go.” I went outside and hailed a cab.

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