Shut Up
Amazingly, Jack stays asleep. Fully renewed, I leap up and walk outside the guest room. I step into the humongous casual room, to see Mike on the couch with coffee.
“You suck,” I say, sitting down in a chair.
“I made some for you,” he says, as if he couldn’t beleive I was mad.
“No, you left last night.”
“Well, judging by Shade not being on the floor, looks like you made it anyway.” I roll my eyes and disappear into the kitchen to fix myself some coffee.
“Where’s the creamer?” I ask.
“Third cabinet on the left, first shelf.” I grab it, make the coffee, and sit back in the chair.
“So why’d you leave me last night?”
“Heather, you need to learn not to depend on people for things. You need more hands-on experience.” This completely sets me off. I stand and yell right in his face.
“More? MORE ? I don’t think YOU ’VE even gone through what I have. I’ve killed, stolen, assaulted, stood up with a bullet in my chest!”
“Good thing we have two hear—”