
The Plight of a Hopeless and Hapless Eleven Year Old Ficlet Writer

With a lack of inspiration, I look to my left, through the glass back door. Rain, sweet, beautiful rain. A phrase comes to mind, I don’t know if it’s already been written.

Some see rain as dark, dank, and depressing, they lag behind in it. I skip in the rain, for it is water, and water gives life. I see rain as the most cheerful thing ever. The sun is okay, but rain is all powerful, life giving, the inanimate metaphor of God.

I go for a walk outside in the rain, in sixty degree weather, hoping for anything, inspiration, cold, maybe? I do so hate school. My mind returns once again to a chain letter I had waved a way about 6 days ago, saying I would die in seven days. Retarded. I laugh and jump in a puddle. I walk inside and change into something drier, and type my story on ficlets, one of no inspiration but my life. My ever-so-lovely life…. not.

Note: Yes, I know what hapless means. In a nutshell, it means unlucky.

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