
love is

Love is lightening.
You know when it hits. I’m not going to go out in the middle of a field during a rainstorm to have it hit me. None of that, I am waiting for love to find me.

Love is when someone rings your doorbell.
You get excited when it rings, but sometimes you aren’t too happy to see the person on the other side. Many girls wait at their windows, trying to guess who will come ring their doorbell. I’ll be in my basement, working on a random project, not staring out the window at boys.

Love is a kite.
It is fragile and goes ballistic at sometimes the smallest thing. I’m not going to go flying a kite. I’ll wait for the perfect day to fly it, and then dig it out of my garage.

Love is a swimming pool.
It looks fun from the outside but is too cold when you get in. I’ve seen people fall into it, climb out, then fall all over again. I’ll be over on the side, with my towel in hand, waiting for the janitors to heat my pool.

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