Slit my wrist, stab my back, and break my heart
Slit my wrists.
Stab my back.
Break my heart.
It doesn’t matter anymore.
I’ve about given up.
It’s about that time that I did.
You all have done your worst.
You all have left me in the dark,
To cry,
To die.
Now is the time.
The time to give up.
But all of the sudden my thoughts deter.
They change.
Someone saved me.
They came and saved me.
Made me deter my thoughts.
And they took me.
Took me away from the trouble.
He took me away.
He changed everything.
I love him.
So much.
Never leave me!
I love you.
My eyes light now.
No longer black and wet with tears.
The scars now healed.
My back bandaged.
And my heart on its way to recovery.
Thank you.