
On That Note

I had to tell them something
You know I didn’t mean it.
I lied to them. Bijoti eased the note onto Carmen’s desk. His hand shot up, as did the teacher’s eyebrows; Carmen never spoke in class.
“Might I throw something away?” He asked. Without even looking at it, Carmen crumpled her note and tossed it in the trash.
What’d you do that for?
Couldn’t you at least have read it?
I just didn’t want anyone getting hurt. If it helps, I crossed my fingers. Carmen was shocked to see another note on his desk.
Persistent aren’t we?
You can’t protect everyone forever.
A battle is inevitable. As soon as he wrote the words, another note appeared on his desk.
I don’t want a battle to be our fault. Bijoti smiled sideways. When it does happen, which side will you fight on? She bit her lip wainting for his answer. Carmen stood up and threw away the note.

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