
NBA Dreams P2

I got nothing but dirty looks,dirty words, and dirty expressions when I got to school. I met up with my friend Rob and chatted for a while.

1 year later.

The season was our best ever, final game of the season we won. Finishing 11 – 1. In the playoffs we played all undefeated teams. In the first round game we were playing the Georgetown Eagles. They jumped out ahead and stayed there until 1 min left in the 4th quarter. We ended up winning 54-51. In the locker the dirty looks vanished. No more names, or gestures. In fact I got positive comments from teammates.

When we came home to fight our next opponent, the New York Cappers, I was pulled aside after school facing one of their players. He looked at me and said “Lose on Friday” I said no. He pulled out a handgun from his coat pocket and said “How bout now” I said ok an ran off.

We played that night and crushed them 30-59. After the game I was pulled aside by the same player that threatened me before and he said “I guess you forgot what I said”

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