
The driver

The night air crackled with thunder, as the road stretched out in front of him. He crushed the cigarette out in the ash tray, and took a long sip of his Jack Daniels. He knew the 200 miles he was driving would be worth it. They had messed with the wrong man.
That was the trouble with most kids these days, they had no respect for their elders. He had respected his father, god how he had no choice. His father had beaten respect, and abuse in to to his brain on a nightley basis growing up. The man had never maired, couldent really understand woman.
His work, as truck driver, had alowed him to let him self go. He was unshaven, his clothese smelling vaguley of sweat and piss. He really didn’t care what he looked like, he wasen’t going where he was going to make friends. He was going to hurt people.
As he made a sharp right turn off the highway, the clank of a chainsaw hitting a sharp blade poped in the trunk.
The man smiled as he pulled in to town. It was going to be a fun night.

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