Camp Mowapi 3
Of the 5 specimens representing the female human species in our Family Group were the muscles-bigger-than-mine Gorilla, the flat chested pre-pubescent Imp, the know-it-all Smart Aleck, the perfect angel Zealot, and the mousy Librarian type with pasty white never-sees-the-sun skin wearing huge spectacles designed for reading tiny print.
Not one seemed Camp Girlfriend material, which meant all the guys would be fighting for the attention of one or two girls all week. Bets on Testosterone getting one. Girls dig the mature look.
We had to pair up for an activity designed to help us realize that we were all alike in some way. I was paired with Zealot girl. Her name was Hannah and she goes to church three times a week with her parents, has two sisters, and lives in a suburb.
I go to church three times a year, have one much older brother, and live in a city apartment with Mom. The only thing we had in common was our hair color, brunette. Some small world.
Thank goodness for lunch time to break up the bonding.