
Full Circle

I work in a large glass box. It’s full of imitation office space, built in the 1960’s in the “internationalâ€? style of architecture. This used to be a nice way of saying “my, what a beautiful statement of functionality,â€? and now is a nice way of saying “my, what a boring ass building.â€?

It was built as the headquarters of a bank that no longer calls this city home. In the wake of the bank’s departure, the building has been filled with a refugee smattering of non-profit groups, declining law practices, accountants that pre-date the Johnson administration, and my company. Rents are understandably affordable, but lest you think this an undesirable part of town, let me point out that there is a Subway within walking distance that consistently carries a sanitation rating of 98% or better.

I should also point out that this Subway is in the ground floor of a renovated building that was built in 1915 as the first headquarters of the very same bank that built the international piece of art I call “home.”

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