
Behind The Scenes; Part 1

“Look, dad, I’m exhausted!”
The real tears liquefied the heavy makeup caked upon the young actors face, creating a pool of realistic terror and confusion. He thought this would be a perfect time to shoot the rescue scene, but knew to refrain from “making light” about such things around his father.
“Exactly! A true actor can produce so much power in one take that that one shot could make the whole picture.”, the old guy spoke strongly as if on a busy stage, heavy on enunciation and beats between dynamic words proclaimed with blatant self-referrals. “And any hot headed director held in high esteem within the Biz knows when and how to manage such a fortune. Unfortunately, we are faced with a great deal of incompetency.”
“But you will work with it.”, he obsessively continued. “Work with it, and nail it! Right into the minds of the people that will watch this director’s birth of a bastard baby, and let them see the gifts I’ve given you-”
“AaaaalRIGHT! I got it, already.” the wary prodigy growled.

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