
Avoiding Fear Again

Nim’r heard the footsteps approaching and knew who it would be, so there was no surprise as Gideon stuck his head in through the door flap of his yurt.

“You’re not ready.”, said Gideon with obvious disappointment. He had been planning this for weeks with an enthusiasm that Nim’r simply could not muster in himself. He had tried several times to talk Gideon out of the whole affair. They weren’t supposed to see before reaching Age. Gideon would hear nothing of it. He always was impatient.

Nim’r felt ill with worry. Gideon may only be a few months away, but Nim’r wasn’t Age for almost two more harvests. No good could come of this. The visit to The Glow was always when you reached Age. Never earlier, never later. It had been that way since well before the Eldest was the Youngest, and it would be that way long after Nim’r was dust.

“I just don’t think this is a good idea, Gideon.”, whined Nim’r in a final attempt at avoidance.

Gideon pretended not to hear. “Get out of your sleep robe so we can get going.”

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