This story reminds me of the short story Ray Bradbury wrote, about life after the end of humanity, when all that is left is the artificial intelligence of a technologically advanced house as it methodically goes through its day preparing food and washing items for inhabitants that no longer exist. I wish I could recall the name of the story! If I think of it, I’ll get back to you, but this is a great ficlet. Wonderful imagery.
Actually, that story influenced this writing. It is called There Will Come Soft Rains. But I was leaning more toward an old house getting “upgrades.” I live in an older house and I know the first computer came in when I moved in. (Not that I am working from a closet.;^) ) I think there is life in a “home” and the house holds so many memories that it must have some of its own. Kinda creepy I know, but as they say, “If these walls could talk.”
♠Ana Cristina♥
Capital "W" Writer (LoA's Geekus Awesomeus)