Worst Birthday Ever
So today was my birthday party, i invited two friends and my boyfriend to come see a movie. At the last minuet one of my frends told me she was sick and couldnt go. My boyfriend called me told me he didnt have a ride, so i tolg him my dad could come and pick him up, so i asked him for directions and he said: “go down that street and take a right” now we were talking on the phone so i was confused. My bestfriend could come though me and her went to see a movie it was funny. When we left the movies we went to get some food. When we got home i wanted to help my mom take somethings out of her car, when i opened the door a bottle of wine [and it was pretty big] rolled out of the car and splatered all over the floor and we were in the garrage the floor was stained, and it was all my falt. You dont know how bad i felt =(