
The Barn Ghost part 2

As Amber began telling her ghost story, Brenda’s mom came in and turned down the lights and told the girls it was bed time. Of course they didn’t listen. It was a sleep over. They were going to stay up for a while. Amber turned on her flashlight and began her story. “Back when that barn over there was still in use, a girl about our age was hung from the middle support beam.” Amber went on telling her tragic tale of the Barn Girl Ghost. When she came to the end of her story she asked the girls, “Who wants to go check it out?” None of the girls answered. “Great! No arguments! Let’s go” The girls didn’t want to end up with something bad happening to them while they were asleep, so they just went along. Brenda has this horrible feeling in her gut. It wasn’t like a hunger pain or that feeling you get when you’re gonna throw up. It was much, much worse. As the girls opened the barn door they saw something that took their breath away. It was a dark figure hanging in the middle of the barn.

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