
Her True Self

She has no desire to continue the life she’s living. Like a small child constantly moving, she wanted to finally settle down, and choose her own life. She wanted to, she yearned for, the abilty to be ONE person. She felt like a schitzophrenic. A schitz. This was bad, and yet. She found it delightfully pleasant. NO! She scolded herself. She COULD NOT like this. She need to do something. She needed to figure out who she was. But with so many different personalities, so many, and constantly changing, how was she to find the right one? Who was she? And when was her true personality going to resurface? Or finally make and appearance after these many haphazard and confusing years? But then again, didn’t the haphazardness of it make life interesting? She was extremely confused. What the hell was she going to do?

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