
The Woods

“Here! Here’s where I saw it!”
Breathless, Jesse pointed. His eyes were alight with the thrill of discovery, and at that moment the wind swept back his hair dramatically. The three boys behind him prepared to gasp in awe. Instead they groaned.
“Not another one of your jokes,” Tom sighed. He shook his head. “I should have known.”
“There’s nothing there,” said Cale. His tone lent the phrase an accusatory edge.
Marcus just curled his lip, visibly disgusted by what he thought was just another goose chase. “Whatever, man,” he growled. “You’re always seeing things. Too many video games.”
“Speaking of which—” Tom grinned. And they dashed away, back toward the hill and the summertime cabin, leaving Jesse to console himself alone. They never even looked back.
“They’ve got no imaginations, that’s all,” he told himself. “They don’t know what to look for.” He did, though. He knew what he’d seen.
He only feared that it had seen him, too.

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