

Serena couldn’t believe it! YOU CRAZY BITCH ! she thought. Serena had turned VERY red. She mumbled an apology and stood. The boy was Jake, the cutest boy alive!(and dead!but more about that later)Jake enjoyed Serena’s blushing, he was hot and KNEW it, but it wasn’t like he was cocky. A few minutes later, Serena found herself talking to him, actually conversing. She had his number.YES! She apoligized for no reason again, and watched him leave the skatepark. She watched for a few minutes. A girl, Rebecca, came up to her. Rebecca was a total snob. She asked for his number.(She had been hounding the poor boy for it for weeks)Serena shook her head. She had finally a slice, and she wasn’t going to give it up easily. She basked in her prettiness, then remembered. Her mother was going to be home soon. That gave her enough time to go and beat herself up. Feeling accomplished, but confused(for she treated her self-pity like a drug addiction, it was her meth) she went home, leaving her skateboard where it lay.

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