

It was more of a prowl then a walk when she crossed the room to him.The lightly raised eyebrow and presumptious smirk hid nothing: she wanted him and wanted him bad for what? he had no idea but it was going to be one hell time trying to figure it out.

So he raised his tumbler of rum and coke with a twist of lime and saluted her the took a long drink, coconut always held an odd taste for him, yet he drank it dutifully.
She slid down in the booth next to him and smiled slowly trailing her fingers across his shoulder. “Max Benton?” she inquired.

He grinned seductivly “Why yes , I guess my reputaion proceeds me” She nodded ” Indeed it does,” her smile dissapeard and Max felt the muzzel of the gun in his side ” No sudden moves or hero tactics, it would be a shame to ruin such a nice suit…Armani?” “Hugo Boss” he noted to her dazed.
What the Hell was going on?

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