What Used To Be
What used to be was a home, a home that kept all bad things away.
What used to be was a love, so strong, nothing else mattered.
What used to be was a family, a family that cared.
What used to be was a friend, the only friend that I have ever known.
What used to be was hope, hope that everthing would be okay someday and the world would be safe once again.
What used to be was faith, something to rely on, something to care about.
What used to be was care, something that made you feel inevitable about things.
What used to be was courage, something that made you feel you were invulnerable.
What used to be was life, something there, something good, and something – well great. But there was no good and is no good. What used to be is the past and what the present is, is what could be. And what could be is nothing. And nothing is what used to be and what could be, but nothing is in everything even in your heart, even in your mind, even in love.