The Circus Comes to Town
Gunter wasn’t excited about the reunion of his old circus pals.
He’d let himself go big time, his belly was flabby and his muscles had atrophied.
But the gang was getting together after the circus tonight.
Giggles was dead of course, boy did Gunter miss that funny clown. They used to be drinking buddies back in the day, even though Giggles was a mean drunk.
The phone rang, and since he had nothing better to do, he picked it up.
“Hello,” Gunter said in his gruff three pack a day smoker’s voice.
“Gunter old buddy, how the heck are ya?,” a familiar small voice said.
“Jethro, my little man, it’s good to hear from you,” said Gunter, the former strong man.
“It’s good to be heard from. You going over to Ruby and Sam’s after the performance tonight?,” asked Jethro the circus midget.
“Yeah sounds like fun, the old gang together again, can’t wait,” Gunter said, thinking of a way to get out of it.
“Renella lost a ton of weight and shaved her beard,” Jethro said.
Nothing stays the same, thought Gunter.