
Cuanto lo deseas? Consigue lo que quieras (someday_93's English version)

It was on a certain day that my dear colleague told me a story which had me entranced. I do not quite remember the proper story, or the characters in question…so this is my version.

Someone had fought all their life to obtain something, encountering many barriers and limitations along the way. After a final effort, in which he gained what he was fighting for, he said, “they can limit us in what we may find, but they cannot separate us from what we desire. If we desire something enough, we are sure to obtain it.”

This is my English version of the previous story, “Cuanto lo deseas? Consigue lo que quieras.” (I didn’t write the story, just the translation.) I don’t know how accurate it is, so if you speak Spanish better than I do (which, if you speak any Spanish at all, you probably do), feel free to correct me or tell me what I’ve done wrong. It was just a fun exercise in translation for me…

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