

“What do you think you’re doing?” Maria asked, mouth hanging slightly open, as if she was unable to close it.
“Going for a swim” I said , shrugging my shoulders. It was early August, and already over 100F. And I wanted to swim.
The only reason Maria was still gaping at me was because I, in my all forseeing knowledge, didn’t bring a bathing suit. But who cares? Swimming “free” was much more fun. Much more exciting, natural, ferral.
“But, Anne, there are guys here!” “So? I want to go for a dip. You comming?” I ask as I strip off my bra and toss it out from behind the bush. “What? No!” And she sat stubbornly down on the grass. “Your loss”
And I jump into the lake. Silvery, sweet, cool crystal water enveloped my body. It made all my problems just vanish, like bubbles. Just drifting up and up and up until they can no longer be seen.
‘Who cares? Let them look.’ I think as I float along the surface of the lake. ‘Let them look.’

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