
Tin Rabbit & Dumb Pig

“I can’t believe he left us out in the yard again, how many times did his mother tell him to bring his toys in the house?â€?

“It’s worse for me ya dumb pig, what if it rains, I’ll be a useless rusty toy, I won’t even wind up in the Good Will box at Christmas time.â€?

“Well you stupid tin rabbit, let’s get moving before the storm, this is a big yard ya know.â€?

(The abandoned toys marched through rocks and tall grass, avoiding bugs along the way.)

“Ugh, finally the back door, boost me up Tin Rabbit.â€?

“Uh, have you put on weight Pig?â€?

“Just shut up and ..uhhhhh, mmmph, thanks, I think.â€?

“Well Pig you’re in so quit complaining, now pull me up.â€?

“O, darn, here comes that kid again with more toys, Oh no he’s heading this way, please not the yard again ahhhhhhhh!!!â€?

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