Cytheria & Jaselyn
She went to the barn. Cytheria, she never did show her anger, no, almost the complete opposite, if she was angry, all you saw was the beauty in her. “I wonder if she’s mad at me?” Jackson asked me. “No, Cytheria doesn’t get mad, she’s perfect” I replied. “Jaselyn?” “Yes, Jackson.” “I hope you don’t think of me as just a friend” he said. “Believe me, J, theres no way” we laughed. “So, um, what now?” he asked. I stood up and grabbed Jackson by the hand. He got up. “Now”, I replied “you catch me” as I ran from him.
I blame it on the moon, the beautiful water, and warmth in the air. I had not felt so free in the longest time. I lifted my shirt above my head and threw it behind me. I kept running, he was right behind me, I unbuttoned my jeans, kicked off my flip flops and slid my pants off. That moment, being under dressed was not a concern. At the edge of the lake, he caught up to me. I slipped off my lace undies and undid my bra. I threw them on the floor and jumped in the water. “Your crazy too” he said.