
Dumpster Diving

Came up empty again; third time this week. Once I found two glass porcupines. Traded them to Umblefumble for a dime bag and a battered Spanish phrase book.

I wasn’t always like this. Used to be an engineer. I toked up a bit on weekends, stuff like that. Harmless, really. One night Bill offered me a snort of the good stuff and BOOM ! Just like that, I was riding the express train of destiny. From there, it was just a short trip to this life. Funny how that happens.

I shamble home. There is a post-it note from Umblefumble. I’m behind again, no shock there. I crumple it up; throw it in the trash with the dead AA batteries from my walkman.

Yesterday I hid a little stash in my shoe. I start the countdown in my head. Just three more minutes to sweet release.

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