
Are you a genie?

Are you a genie; do you live in a bottle?
At the end of the day when you walk do you toddle?
When you open your eyes to see morning’s first light.
Can you remember the end of last night?
Why do you play a game you can’t win?
You know your excuses are so very thin.
Life has to be more than a seat on a stool.
I know you can see it you’re not that great a fool?
I don’t mean to insult but what do I do?
To give you the desire to care about you.
It seems so lonely when you are around.
I feel I’m the only caring one to be found.
I did not want to sit here, and say this to you.
What choice have you left me?
What else can I do?
I think your special, why do you not see,
all that you have, all you can be?
It’s your own choice; it’s all up to you.
I give you my opinion, that’s all I can do.

Copyright ©2007 Robert E Wolfe

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