

I could see for miles and I felt power with my brown hair blowing in the torando and I souring with it, it was denfintely an adrainline feeling, I even saw little dots peering up at me pointing and whispering at me, with blabs with red and blue lights blinking and red blob rushing to a brown cube. Oh my god! That was my school out there paniking with the firemen and poilce cars and what’s this it looked like a bird from far away, but as it got close it was a helicopter. I think after I admitted to myself that I’m scared and I’m no the bravest person, then did I stop swiring and the torando let me down a few miles away from school. I woke up in the hostipal nothing that drastic, I was just unconious for a while and I wanted to get out of this jail. I went to go to school and man there was a lot of questions and they treated me with the
most respect but everytime they asked me how I was alive, I said you got to adimt to yourself that you are not that brave or the bravest. Is when the the fly in the sky lands.

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