
String Of Thought Part 1

It took me until I was 19 to finally understand what Love really meant. It complicated, very. But its also very simple and when its simple . . . It’s beautiful.
When its simple its beautiful.
Something about something is right or wrong
Something about anything could be simple and strong
Anything could be right
Or everything could be wrong
When loving isn’t just right
Its truly wrong?
It doesn’t make sense but letters and numbers make all things fade away
The simplest form of sound
Like waves rippling across ground
The mind turns around and sees itself in the mirror
Free form, it dissolves
Beauty in design
And when a shout causes a shout causes a shout
We all charge
Beyond the mountains and between the peeks
Through the valleys and around the rivers
Stringing together every person bound to Bethany
Where is it? And where does it go?
Treasure unfound or dessert abound?
Sleeping goes eeee
And waking comes the shaking
The nostalgia of the weeping

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