I told Margrett what they did and then she said we needed to do revenge. I said wait until it really gets worse, and it did. They would complain to the principal that I was doing all this stuff them with their evidence of hair being chopped off(haircut) while they were asleep and their skin turning white when it always was tan(winter?) and headaches. Mr. Walter belived them, this town was in Salem, Massachuetts and I guess the town still holded a grudge from the past. I had all these talks with my mom and the consulors and I need to get revenge with Margrett. ” Ok, I’m ready for revenge” I said.
“Excellent” then a few days later, I was at her house, it all looked like a simple american house, but her room was filled with old newspapper clippings from the salem witch trails and ingerdenites and books on witchcraft, she was serious. That’s how I need up outside with the leaves blowwing around me and Margrett shouting these word phrases, I holded pieces of the other girls hair. “Stop. Drop the blonde hair into-