
Some Lists Shouldn't Be Made [360 Challenge]

“Alright, if I pick one, can we be done with this discussion?” I begged.

Zack smiled, rolling one marble between his fingers in his pocket, “That’d be perfect.”

“You swear?” I confirmed.

“I so swear,” Zack replied, raising his right arm, leaving the last marble in his pocket.

“Fine,” I huffed and tried to think. After a few moments of immature reflection, I declared, “Knowledge is power, so I’ll take Professor X.” Marble ten left the pocket of its own accord. Zack smiled, but it was a little more pronounced than his usual dopey grin.

Suddenly the world spun around me, and my head ached. Voices echoed through my brain. I puked into a trash can. I thought I heard Zack laughing and muttering something about fools and suckers.

“Where’d Matt and Scott go?” I heard someone ask. Nothing made sense any more. The room was a blur.

Then I understood when I heard Chris blurt out, “Oh crap, man! I have a tail!” Byron broke the coffee table, David the couch. Ryan was on the wall. We were all screwed.

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