Not The Time For Sisterly Conversation [NanoWriMo]
Tough tucked in and laying quietly, Saphronia could not go to sleep. “Mina, you awake?”
“No,” her sister mumbled.
“I think someone went outside.”
“I think we should be asleep,” Willimina countered.
“I din’t hear no one come back in.”
Willimina pondered that for a moment before dismissing it, “Then you heared wrong. Neither ma nor Pee are fool enough to go wandering around in the dark. Now hush afore you wake Benji.”
“Oh,” Saphronia shot back, “You know that boy could sleep through a back road buggy ride with a barrel of monkeys.”
Willimina grumbled something unintelligible and coarse, then added, “Then hush up afore you wake me.”
Saphronia tried; she really did. Her mind ran along the possibilities. On a night like this there were a multitude, more than her young mind wanted to admit. Somehow she already knew how much evil there was in the world. Rather than ponder it in any depth she tried to find a distraction.
All she could come up with was, “Hey Mina, you think Caleb Jenkins is sweet on me?”