
Confusion Of The Heart

I refuse to be ignored. I deserve better than that. Wasn’t he the one who called me? The one that flirted with me? I don’t know why I still think about him. He had his chance.

He is the guy that spent the entire day with me. He is the one who made his picture the wallpaper on my cell. The one who insisted I call him. Yeah he’s the guy who led me on. The one who called me that night because he wanted to talk, and then completely ignored me the next day. The guy who said he’d call, and never did. Who I had no contact with over the summer.

I want to move past him. I really do. It’s just some days I feel like I am 100% over him, and then other’s I fall back down. It’s so off on and on, but yet it is like I know he is the one I’m meant to be with, and any other crush is just a temporary replacement.

Eric…I wish I could hate him, but my heart refuses too.

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