
Fight to the Death.

“This night my sir, I will end the reign of this dragon and its layer and destroy the evil that dwells here.” My land has been plaque by the dragons of this moutain for centurys, our children murdered and sacraficed by this beast of drakness.
“I promised my home land, I would slay this dragon and bring them its heart.” Well my good sir, Mostatria said let us sleep for dawn is fast approaching and the Princess awaits her rescue. The Prince told Mostatria we must vow to end this reign of terror togather. Mostatria and the Prince slept , yet the breathing of the dragon’s could be heard thorugh out the cave, the nesting area of its young lay at their feet. The hatching of eggs and the sounds of it’s young filled the cave with danger. Both warriors wanted peace restored to their country. Princess Angora must be Queen she must survive Monstatria vowed to see her as Queen. The breath of light moved apon their sleeping faces. Mostatria awakes he climbs the side of the cliff and calls Angora name. She hears him.

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