
His Songz P10 (LA Series)

Its was now 3:36am and Laura was still in the VIP room with Trey while, Yaz, Travis, Landon & Andi were packing up their things while the party was just started to die down when gun shots were heard. The crowd started to run in drunkenness & chaos. Travis tackled Yaz to the floor while Landon grabbed Andi under the table. Everyone were running towards the exits as Andi text La.
“I’m scared.” Yaz whispered, “I got you babe, nothing will happen to you.” as he grabbed her tighter.
“Lets crawl to that emergency exit rite there.” said Landon.
“How bout La?” said Andi, “We have to get out 1st” said Landon and he crawled to the exit with the other 3 behind him.
Outside, it was chaos, cops cars, people getting arrested, rain pouring hard.
“We gotta get to the car.” said Travis.
“We came in a limo!” said Andi.
“SHIT!” said Landon
“Lets start walking, so we woke get completely wet.” said Travis.
“Where is she? LA pick up your phone?” screamed Andi.
Then they heard a loud explosion & the club caught on fire.
“OMG! No!”

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