
How to be nice

They say to you ” Be nice to everyone.”
“Oh we will”
No they don’t
Do they really know what nice is?
People are very mean in this world
Only little goodness shows
It can be joke, that hurts there feeling
It can be a secret, and you wonder are they talking about me?
It can be just plain old mean
But, maybe if you want to be nice and be nice to
that means those emenies
you hate them, they hate you
If you were nice to them, they can still be your emeny
But they will be nice to you
there are differences
but we are all human and connected
we must share somethning?
Maybe why they are mean isn’t because they hate you
they could be
having a hard time
it could be anything
but why should you hate them just because they hate you
Can’t you work it out?
Slove the issue why the hate you
Then you should forgive
all those times, and forget that nothing happened
it’s the past
and maybe now
more goodness will shine
and there will be peace.

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