So… Alec beefed himself up a bit. Just a bit. I thought it good to see Angela and Simon get a bit more action here. And, of course, Blake relies on the old standards.
So… Alec beefed himself up a bit. Just a bit.
I thought it good to see Angela and Simon get a bit more action here. And, of course, Blake relies on the old standards.
Write a sequel!!!
Not to do with anything, but I just got my copy of League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier. It is by far the best looking book — comic or not — that I’ve ever seen. Any one else agree? (or disagree?)
Ask and you shall receive, Jennifer Meow, ask and you shall receive…
I love that Angela isn’t a mere shrinking violet..And I totally love that Alec is one of Lillith’s kids.
Jennifer Meow
Alexa ♥