
Is There A Class For This?

She entered the room quietly, and sat right in front of me. I caught a wiff of something like raw, fresh cut tangerines. Her hair was black with just a sugar coating of blue and tumbled down to the small of her back.Where most girls would have soft curls at the end of their waterfall mane, she had knots. It worked for her though.
DON ’T get all judgemental and think I’m one of those guys that only cares about what a girl looks like.Tommy was telling me how the eigth graders were really getting on his nerves this year.
“Already?,” I asked absentmindedly, “It’s only the first day of school..”
He gave a grumpy sigh and began venting on someone else.
I tapped her shoulder.My thin figner eploded with pins and needles.She turned looking hesitant.
“Are you an eigth grader?” I asked.
She stared at me mischeviously, as if trying to figure out who exactly I was.
“Shh,” she whispered, “I’m really twenty three.. a tid bit stupid.”
Still looking curious look in her eye, she turned back around just as class began.

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